Well Well Well, after all the drama of yesterday normal service was resumed today with no major upsets and no one going out through falls or slips/splits and this time we had rain welcome to wacky England..
Djokovic looks in scary form after his comfortable win today, Murray Djokovic final?? who would dare predict anything after the last 3 days.
Special mention of the day has to go to Date-Krumm in the women's game she made it through to the third round age at the tender age of 42. Yes 42 what an incredible achievement has anyone else ever reached the third round of a grand slam at this age? She first appeared at Wimbledon in 1990 so much respect. And her secret? well she says "I eat plenty of food" There work that one out all you nutrition experts...O and her 4th round opponent is..Serena Williams wouldn't you just love it if.... we can but dream you just never know in sport or in life.
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